Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Isaac Asimov, The Foundation Trilogy.

Isaac Asimov, The Foundation Trilogy. Shut up! I've been stressed out, ok? This is my Star Wars. I love the first one (Foundation), but I always hated the Mule, so I don't like the last two as much. Darn psychohistorians, anyway - I always thought it was a way to sneak predestination arguments into science fiction.


Jenelle Leanne said...

Have you read "Prelude to Foundation"? That one's my favorite of the series... although I haven't ever actually finished this series, though we own all of them, I've never gotten around to reading the last one.

jenny said...

Hard to comment on these as I have Sci-fi amnesia, probably a phenomenon created by sound waves of some sort. I have read this series (every last bloody one of them) several times, and I really enjoy them. I would liketo warn you that you should not read them out loud to your kids if you don't want a lot of speculative conversation afterward!

gwen said...

hee.. i get mystery novel amnesia...